Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pop-Pop and Neenette's new house

Here are some pics of the new place.  It is just 2 homes up the street from where we lived for our first 4 years in Moscow.  The Olps, Sr's are having some remodeling done inside, so I'll save that post for later.  The columns are being built right now and the lovely wrap-around porch floor will soon be painted.  Whew!  The move from MS was dramatic, but they made it. We are so glad our Pop-Pop and Neenette are officially here!

1 comment:

KeriAnn said...

yay! Are they going to put a rail in the kitchen on those stairs or let peter be the first to tumble off?

I was so glad to go with you to check this place out when we were there. I felt like it was an inside look to the Olps family.

Cheers to many sabbath dinners in their new home.

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